Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Long Time, No Post!

The past few months have been very busy ones for me! I have been enjoying time with my friends and my family. While I am sure more in depth blogs on specific things may follow someday soon; here is a little glimpse of what has been keeping me to busy to blog...
Enjoying watching the Elmira Jackals make it into the ECHL Playoffs this year!
Being blessed to be able to get my buds Theresa and Jo to join me!
Travel.. Went to Odgensburg, NY to hear tales of my Dad's childhood (a soon to be post for sure) and to Buffalo, NY just to try to have some quiet "me" time
A historical tour of Willard, an Asylum for the Insane which is definitely another soon to come post.

Weeding my weed-filled area by the side of my house and finding two very rough looking rose bushes which without really any help from me, blossomed into these bountiful beauties.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Oh... that Jackals game was so much fun!!! :) It was such a great night of talking and having a blast yelling at the team to play harder and better. It was just like old times. What could be better then hanging out with your best friends. :)